Student Solution


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1 University

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M4 - quiz

M4 - quiz

Q 1. What would be the key metrics for board members and outside investors to get a quick sense of health of the business? 2. Flush with investment capital and riding an incredible upsurge in active user enrollments, Branchout kept directing its efforts to boosting membership numbers. It incentivized its users to invite their friends at Facebook to the platform. As hundereds of thousands of invitations flooded cyberspace, Branchout's membership numbers skyrocketed. Branchout could not enjoy this significant user base for too long. As member numbers were growing, Branchout did not pay attention to tracing user activity on the platform. What was Branchout's most significant mistake? 3. Platform metrics need to measure the rate of interaction success and the factors that contribute to it. 4. What kind of metrics are most valuable during the startup phase of a platform business? 5. Which of the following are vital metrics of platform adoption?

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1. Cash flow, inventory turns, and operating income. 2. Focusing on and measuring the wrong things. 3. True 4. All of the above 5. User commitment and active usage